What is the best cashless tipping system?

Cashless tipping systems are becoming more popular in the hospitality industry. These systems allow guests to conveniently tip hotel staff using their credit/debit cards or digital wallets, without the need for cash. As a result, hotel employees can receive more tips and boost their earning potential.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of cashless tipping, how it works, and some of the best cashless tipping solutions available for hotels.

Why Cashless Tipping is Important

Recent studies have shown that fewer people carry cash these days. A poll by Travis Credit Union found that the average American is twice as likely to use credit/debit cards instead of cash, with only 16% regularly carrying cash. This trend means hotel employees are receiving fewer cash tips from guests.

Cashless tipping solves this problem by allowing guests to digitally tip staff using their mobile devices, without needing to download any apps. This makes tipping more convenient for guests and enables them to accurately distribute tips to the right employees. As a result, cashless tipping can significantly increase the earning potential of hotel staff, boost employee morale, and even help with employee retention in the face of industry labor shortages.

How Cashless Tipping Works

Cashless tipping systems typically work by providing guests with a variety of digital payment options, such as credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other digital wallets. Guests can access the tipping system by scanning QR codes located in hotel rooms, at valet stands, or on employee badges.

Once a guest scans the QR code, they are directed to a secure tipping page where they can choose a pre-defined tip amount or enter a custom amount. The tip is then processed and automatically distributed to the appropriate employee’s bank account or paycheck. Some systems even allow tips to be pooled and split among team members who worked together to deliver excellent service.

Benefits for Hotels and Employees

Implementing a cashless tipping system offers numerous benefits for both hotels and their staff:

  • Increased earning potential for employees, as guests have more convenient tipping options.
  • Boosted employee morale and motivation from receiving more recognition for great service.
  • Reduced administrative work for managers in calculating and distributing tips.
  • Valuable insights into guest satisfaction and staff performance through integrated feedback systems.
  • Customizable branding options to create a seamless experience that aligns with the hotel’s image.
  • Unlimited sharing opportunities for tipping profiles via text, email, NFC, and printed materials.

Top Cashless Tipping Solutions

Several leading cashless tipping solutions are designed specifically for the hospitality industry:

  • Gratitude by UniFocus Gratitude is a fully integrated, white-labeled tipping solution that allows guests to tip staff securely from their mobile devices. It offers real-time tip distribution, day pay capabilities, and a connected survey system for collecting valuable guest feedback.
  • eTip eTip provides a browser-based, app-less solution that creates a frictionless tipping experience for guests, employees, and managers. Guests can tip using various payment methods, and employees benefit from increased tips and financial wellness resources.
  • EasyTip EasyTip helps businesses collect, distribute, and track digital tips with ease. It offers customizable branding options, flexible tip distribution settings for individuals or staff groups, and integrations with review platforms like Google and TripAdvisor.
  • PhorestTips PhorestTips is an integrated cashless tipping solution designed for salons and spas. It seamlessly incorporates tipping into the checkout process without the need for QR codes or separate transactions. Tips are automatically distributed to service providers, reducing administrative work for managers.


Cashless tipping is quickly becoming a must-have technology for hotels looking to improve the guest experience, boost employee morale, and streamline operations. By implementing a cashless tipping system like Gratitude, eTip, EasyTip, or PhorestTips, hotels can provide a convenient and secure way for guests to recognize exceptional service while ensuring their staff receives the tips they deserve.

As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, hotels that embrace cashless tipping solutions will be well-positioned to attract and retain top talent, increase guest satisfaction, and stay ahead of the competition. To learn more about implementing a cashless tipping system at your hotel or business, visit www.jethotelsolutions.com for expert guidance and support.

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