How to pay a tip with a QR code?

A recent poll found only 16% of Americans still regularly carry cash. This shift has impacted the hospitality industry, reducing the cash tips that hotel and restaurant staff traditionally relied on. Fortunately, innovative digital tipping solutions using QR codes are making it easy for guests to show their appreciation without needing cash on hand. Let’s explore how QR code tipping works and its benefits.

What is QR Code Tipping?

QR code tipping, also known as digital or cashless tipping, allows customers to tip service workers by simply scanning a QR code with their smartphone. No apps or cash are required. The QR code links to a secure tipping platform where the customer can choose a tip amount, pay with their preferred digital method (credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.), and optionally provide feedback. The tip is then automatically distributed to the worker(s) according to predefined rules.

QR codes for tipping can be placed in various convenient locations like receipts, tabletops, service stands, and employee name badges. Some platforms also allow tipping links to be shared via text message or email. This flexibility enables tipping opportunities for behind-the-scenes staff like housekeepers who have traditionally been under-tipped.

How Customers Use QR Codes to Tip:

The tipping process is designed to be quick and intuitive for customers:

  • Open phone camera: The customer scans the QR code using their phone’s camera and taps the notification banner that appears.
  • Choose tip amount: On the tipping page, the customer selects a preset or custom tip amount. They can also rate the service if the option is enabled.
  • Pay securely: The customer pays using any of the supported secure digital payment methods, with no app download required.

That’s it! The tip is processed by the tipping platform and automatically distributed to the worker(s). The whole interaction takes just moments but can make a meaningful difference for service staff.

Benefits for Hotels & Restaurants:

Implementing a QR code tipping system offers significant advantages for hospitality businesses:

  • Increase staff earnings: With more guests able to easily tip, staff can grow their earnings and feel more valued for their work. This is especially impactful for roles like housekeeping that have been historically under-tipped. Higher earnings boost employee morale and retention.
  • More tipping opportunities: QR codes enable tipping for staff without direct customer interaction. Codes placed in hotel rooms or at reception allow guests to tip housekeepers, concierges, and front desk staff.
  • Reduced admin work: Digital tipping automates the tedious work of collecting, calculating, and distributing cash tips. Tips can be automatically divided between team members according to customizable rules.
  • Detailed analytics: Digital platforms provide real-time data on tip volumes, payment methods, customer ratings, and feedback. Managers can use these insights to gauge employee performance, identify training opportunities, and track customer satisfaction.
  • Consistent branding: Tipping pages can be customized with the business’s logo, colors, and images for a seamless brand experience. This builds customer trust and loyalty.

Choosing a QR Code Tipping Provider:

There are several providers offering QR code tipping platforms for the hospitality industry. When evaluating providers, look for key features like:

  • Pooled and individual tip collection options
  • Multiple customer payment methods
  • Instant payouts for employees
  • Integrated customer feedback collection
  • POS integration for unified reporting
  • Customizable branding
  • Robust customer support

Be sure to evaluate pricing structures as well. Some providers charge monthly fees and/or transaction fees on tips.

One standout provider is Jet Hotel Solutions ( Their digital tipping solution was purpose-built for hotels and offers all the above features. With QR code and link sharing, white-label branding, multiple payment options, and a connected customer feedback system, Jet Hotel Solutions offers a comprehensive yet easy to implement platform.


QR code tipping is a win-win solution for hospitality businesses and their staff in an increasingly cashless world. Customers enjoy an effortless, app-free tipping experience. Employees benefit from higher earnings and recognition of their service. And businesses gain a powerful tool for increasing staff retention, streamlining operations, and enhancing the customer experience.

To learn more about implementing QR code tipping at your hotel or restaurant, contact the experts at Jet Hotel Solutions ( They’ll walk you through the setup process and share proven strategies to drive adoption and maximize tips for your hardworking staff.

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