fixed duress alarm vs wireless duress alarm

Protecting Your Hotel or Business: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing Between Fixed and Wireless Duress Alarms

Emergencies can strike at any moment, putting the lives of your employees and guests at risk. From medical emergencies to active shooter situations, it’s crucial to have a reliable duress alarm system in place to ensure a swift response and minimize the potential for harm. As a hotel or business owner, you’re faced with the decision of choosing between a fixed duress alarm system and a wireless one. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at both options, exploring their features, benefits, and drawbacks, to help you make the best choice for your property.

Understanding Fixed Duress Alarms

Fixed duress alarms, also known as hardwired systems, are permanently installed at specific locations throughout your building. These alarms are connected to a central monitoring station via wired connections, ensuring a stable and reliable line of communication. When an emergency occurs, a user can activate the alarm by pressing a button on the fixed unit, immediately alerting the monitoring station and prompting a response from security personnel or emergency services.

One of the primary advantages of fixed duress alarms is their reliability. Because they are hardwired, they are less susceptible to signal interference or loss, which can be a concern with wireless systems. Additionally, fixed alarms are connected to your building’s electrical system, providing a consistent power supply without the need for battery replacements.

However, fixed duress alarms come with their own set of challenges. The most significant drawback is their limited accessibility. Since the alarms are installed at fixed points, users must be able to reach them to activate the system. In situations where an individual is incapacitated or unable to move, this can be a critical issue. Moreover, installing fixed duress alarms can be a complex and time-consuming process, requiring the running of wires through walls and ceilings. This can be particularly problematic in older buildings or those containing hazardous materials like asbestos, as noted by Craig Badrick in his article “6 Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Adding Duress Alarms to Enhance Security.”

a worker is installing a fixed duress alarm in a hotel

The Advantages of Wireless Duress Alarms

Wireless duress alarms have gained popularity in recent years due to their flexibility and ease of use. These mobile devices allow users to signal for help from anywhere within the system’s coverage area, providing a significant advantage over fixed alarms. Wireless systems utilize radio frequency (RF) or cellular networks to communicate with a central monitoring station or designated responders, ensuring a rapid response to emergencies.

One of the most significant benefits of wireless duress alarms is their mobility. Employees can carry these devices with them at all times, giving them the ability to call for help regardless of their location. This is particularly important in situations where an individual may be unable to reach a fixed alarm point, such as during a medical emergency or an active shooter scenario.

Another advantage of wireless duress alarms is their quick and easy installation process. Without the need for extensive wiring, these systems can be deployed rapidly and with minimal disruption to your hotel or business operations. This not only saves time but also reduces installation costs. As Craig Dever, vice president at Inovonics, points out, “Especially consider a job in a big city where union electricians might be required to run conduit for the wiring; going wireless can result in substantial savings.”

Wireless duress alarms also offer greater flexibility when it comes to adapting to changes in your security needs or building layout. If your hotel or business undergoes renovations or expansions, wireless alarms can be easily relocated or added to the system, ensuring continuous protection for your employees and guests.

Many wireless duress alarms come equipped with advanced features that enhance their effectiveness in emergency situations. These may include real-time location tracking, allowing responders to pinpoint the exact location of the alarm activation, two-way communication capabilities, enabling users to provide additional information about the emergency, and silent alerting, preventing potential attackers from being alerted to the alarm activation.

While wireless duress alarms offer numerous benefits, they are not without their limitations. Signal interference from other electronic devices or physical barriers, such as metal structures or concrete walls, can potentially impact the performance of wireless systems. Additionally, wireless alarms rely on batteries, which require regular monitoring and replacement to ensure the system remains operational.

Choosing the Right Duress Alarm System for Your Hotel or Business

When selecting a duress alarm system for your property, there are several key factors to consider. First and foremost, you must ensure that the system provides adequate coverage for your entire facility, including remote or hard-to-reach areas. This is particularly important for hotels with expansive grounds or businesses with multiple buildings.

User-friendliness is another crucial aspect to consider. Your employees should be able to easily understand and operate the duress alarm system with minimal training. In emergency situations, every second counts, and a simple, intuitive system can make all the difference in ensuring a rapid response.

Reliability is paramount when it comes to life safety systems. Choose a duress alarm system with a proven track record of dependability and failsafe measures, such as backup power sources or redundant communication channels. This will ensure that your system remains operational even in the event of a power outage or other disruption.

Integration with existing security infrastructure, such as video surveillance or access control systems, can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your duress alarm system. By combining these technologies, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of an emergency situation and coordinate a more targeted response.

Finally, it’s essential to select a provider that offers comprehensive support and maintenance services. Your duress alarm system should be regularly tested and updated to ensure optimal performance and reliability. A knowledgeable and responsive support team can help you navigate any challenges that may arise and keep your system running smoothly.


Choosing between a fixed duress alarm system and a wireless one is a critical decision that requires careful consideration of your hotel or business’s unique needs and challenges. While fixed alarms offer reliability and a consistent power supply, wireless alarms provide unmatched mobility, flexibility, and ease of installation. By weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each option and assessing your specific security requirements, you can select a duress alarm system that will effectively protect your employees and guests.

At, we understand the importance of tailoring duress alarm solutions to the unique needs of each hotel or business. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to assess your security risks, design a comprehensive duress alarm system, and handle every aspect of the installation and maintenance process. Whether you opt for a fixed or wireless system, or a combination of both, we have the expertise to ensure your property is equipped with the most reliable and effective emergency response solution.

Don’t wait until an emergency strikes to prioritize the safety of your employees and guests. Contact today to learn more about our cutting-edge duress alarm systems and how we can help you create a safer, more secure environment for everyone on your property. With our commitment to customer satisfaction and state-of-the-art technology, you can trust to deliver the peace of mind you deserve.

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