duress alarm in hospitals

Ensuring Staff Safety in Hospitals with Duress Alarms

In healthcare settings, staff safety is of utmost importance. Hospitals can be high-stress environments where healthcare workers may face various risks, including verbal and physical abuse from patients, visitors, or even colleagues. To address these concerns, many hospitals are turning to duress alarm systems to provide their staff with a lifeline in case of emergencies.

What are Duress Alarms?

Duress alarms, also known as panic buttons or personal safety devices, are small, discreet devices worn by healthcare workers. When activated, these devices immediately alert security personnel or a monitoring center, providing the exact location of the staff member in distress. This allows for a rapid response to potentially dangerous situations, ensuring the safety of both the healthcare worker and the patients they serve.

The Need for Duress Alarms in Hospitals

The statistics surrounding workplace violence in healthcare settings are alarming. According to a study, 95% of healthcare workers have experienced verbal abuse or physical assault while performing their duties. This violence can come from patients, their loved ones, or even bystanders. Between 2019 and 2020, community and personal service workers in Australia, which includes healthcare staff, were the second-highest occupation group to record serious work-related injuries.

With the number of people using healthcare services expected to reach 3.5 million clients by 2050 in Australia alone, the need for staff duress systems in hospitals is more pressing than ever. Healthcare workers, regardless of their role or seniority, deserve to feel safe and supported at work so they can focus on providing quality care to their patients.

How Duress Alarm Systems Work

Duress alarm systems, such as Tunstall’s Lone Worker Monitoring system, typically consist of a personal device worn by the healthcare worker and a monitoring center staffed by trained professionals. When a staff member activates their duress alarm, an alert is sent to the monitoring center, along with the worker’s precise location. The monitoring team can then assess the situation, communicate with the staff member if possible, and dispatch security personnel or emergency services as needed.

Some advanced duress alarm systems, like those offered by Cognosos, provide continuous location updates as an incident unfolds, ensuring that help arrives where the staff member is, not where they were when the alarm was activated. These systems also often integrate with a hospital’s existing communication infrastructure, allowing for seamless incident management and rapid response times.

staff and duress alarm in hospitalsBenefits of Implementing Duress Alarms in Hospitals

Implementing a comprehensive duress alarm system in a hospital setting offers numerous benefits for both staff and the institution as a whole.

  • Increased Staff Safety and Morale: Knowing that they have a reliable way to call for help in an emergency can significantly boost staff morale and make them feel more secure in their work environment. This can lead to reduced turnover rates and a more positive workplace culture.
  • Improved Patient Care: When healthcare workers feel safe and supported, they can focus their energy on providing the best possible care to their patients, rather than worrying about their personal safety.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Many regulatory agencies now require hospitals to have proactive workplace violence prevention plans in place. Implementing a duress alarm system can help hospitals stay compliant with these regulations and avoid potential fines or legal issues.
  • Enhanced Incident Management: Advanced duress alarm systems provide valuable data and insights that can help hospitals improve their incident response processes over time. By analyzing historical event data, hospital administrators can identify trends and make informed decisions to further enhance staff safety.

Jet Hotel Solutions: Your Trusted Partner for Duress Alarm System Implementation At Jet Hotel Solutions, we understand the importance of staff safety in healthcare settings. Our team has extensive experience implementing duress alarm systems in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, ensuring that your staff have access to the protection they need, when they need it.

We work with trusted industry partners to provide cutting-edge duress alarm solutions tailored to your hospital’s specific needs and budget. Our experts will guide you through the entire process, from selecting the right system to installation and staff training, ensuring a seamless integration with your existing infrastructure.

By partnering with Jet Hotel Solutions for your duress alarm needs, you can demonstrate to your employees, patients, and the community that staff safety is a top priority for your hospital. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a safer, more secure work environment for your dedicated healthcare professionals.


Ensuring staff safety is non-negotiable. Implementing a comprehensive duress alarm system in your hospital is a proactive step towards protecting your most valuable asset – your employees. By providing them with a reliable way to call for help in an emergency, you not only improve their well-being but also enhance the quality of care they provide to patients. Partner with an experienced provider like Jet Hotel Solutions to ensure your duress alarm system meets the highest standards of safety and efficiency.

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