duress alarm code

In February 2018, an article titled “Do You Know Your Duress Code?” by Daphane Cassidy posed a thought-provoking question: How would you discreetly summon the police if approached at gunpoint when opening your store? The answer lies in the implementation of a duress alarm code system, a critical component of a comprehensive security plan that is often underutilized or forgotten.

Recent events, such as the high rate of workplace violence in hospitals and the tragic 2018 Parkland mass shooting, have prompted a growing number of businesses, schools, and healthcare facilities to adopt panic alarm and mobile duress systems. These systems provide a discreet and effective means of summoning help in the face of imminent danger, potentially saving lives and minimizing the impact of a crisis.

What is a Duress Alarm Code?

A duress alarm code, also known as a panic alarm or hold-up code, is a specific code entered into a security system to silently alert authorities of an emergency situation. When a user enters the duress code, the alarm system appears to disarm normally while simultaneously sending a distress signal to the monitoring company. The monitoring company then dispatches law enforcement to the location without calling to verify the emergency, ensuring a rapid response to the unfolding crisis.

The way duress codes work is relatively simple. They are typically programmed into the security system as a variation of the user’s regular access code. For example, switching the last two digits of the regular code may activate the duress function. This allows the user to comply with an intruder’s demands without arousing suspicion, buying precious time for authorities to arrive on the scene.

a worker is installing a duress alarm on campus

The Importance of Implementing Duress Alarm Codes

Businesses, schools, and healthcare facilities face an array of security challenges that require proactive measures to ensure the safety of employees, students, patients, and customers. Implementing a duress alarm code system is particularly vital for establishments at a higher risk of robbery or intrusion, such as banks, retail stores, and hotels.

According to a 2023 Campus Safety survey on panic alarms and mobile duress systems, 66% of schools, colleges, universities, and healthcare facilities already utilize fixed panic buttons, while 58% have adopted mobile phone apps for emergency communication. The survey also revealed that medical emergencies, patients or visitors acting out, and mental health crises are among the most common reasons for activating panic alarms in these settings.

While the adoption of panic alarm technology is encouraging, it is crucial to ensure that these systems are properly maintained, tested, and integrated into a comprehensive security plan. This is where the expertise of a company like Jet Hotel Solutions (www.jethotelsolutions.com) comes into play.

Jet Hotel Solutions: Your Partner in Duress Alarm Code System Implementation At Jet Hotel Solutions, we specialize in designing, installing, and maintaining duress alarm code systems for hotels and businesses. Our team of experienced professionals understands the unique security challenges faced by these establishments and works closely with clients to develop customized solutions that meet their specific needs.

When you partner with Jet Hotel Solutions, you can expect:

  • Comprehensive security assessments to identify vulnerabilities and recommend appropriate measures
  • State-of-the-art duress alarm code systems that are reliable, user-friendly, and fully integrated with your existing security infrastructure
  • Expert installation and configuration to ensure optimal performance and reliability
  • Regular maintenance and testing to keep your system functioning at its best
  • Staff training and support to ensure that your team is prepared to use the duress code system effectively in an emergency

In addition to duress alarm code systems, Jet Hotel Solutions offers a range of security services, including access control systems, video surveillance solutions, and physical security assessments. Our holistic approach to security ensures that your business is protected from every angle, providing peace of mind for you, your staff, and your customers.

Real-World Applications of Duress Alarm Codes

The effectiveness of duress alarm code systems in real-world situations cannot be overstated. In the event of a robbery, a staff member can discreetly enter the duress code, alerting authorities without escalating the situation. This swift action can lead to a faster response from law enforcement, potentially saving lives and minimizing property damage.

Duress alarm codes can also prove invaluable in cases of workplace violence, such as in healthcare settings where staff may face threats from patients or visitors. By quickly activating the duress code, healthcare workers can summon help and protect themselves and others from harm.

In schools and universities, panic alarms can be a lifeline in the event of an active shooter situation. By pressing a panic button or activating a mobile duress app, teachers and students can quickly alert authorities and initiate lockdown procedures, buying precious time for first responders to arrive on the scene.

The Importance of Training and Situational Awareness

While duress alarm code systems are a powerful tool in the face of danger, it is essential to remember that they are only one part of a comprehensive security plan. To ensure the effectiveness of these systems, staff must be properly trained on when and how to use the duress code, as well as how to assess the situation and make split-second decisions in high-stress scenarios.

Regular training exercises and drills can help staff develop the situational awareness and critical thinking skills needed to navigate a crisis. By simulating real-world scenarios and practicing activating the duress code, staff can become more comfortable and confident in their ability to respond effectively in an emergency.

It is also crucial to remember that activating the duress code may not always be the best course of action. In some cases, compliance with an intruder’s demands may be the safer option. This is where good judgment and situational awareness come into play. By providing comprehensive training and support, businesses can empower their staff to make informed decisions in the face of danger.

The Future of Duress Alarm Code Systems

Mobile duress apps, for example, are becoming increasingly popular, allowing users to activate a panic alarm from their smartphone or wearable device. These apps can provide real-time location data, enabling first responders to quickly locate and assist those in need.

Integration with other security systems, such as video surveillance and access control, is also becoming more common. By linking these systems together, businesses can create a more comprehensive and effective security solution that provides real-time situational awareness and enables rapid response to emerging threats.

As the security landscape continues to evolve, it is more important than ever for businesses to stay ahead of the curve by investing in cutting-edge duress alarm code systems and partnering with experienced security providers like Jet Hotel Solutions.


Implementing a duress alarm code system is no longer a luxury but a necessity. By providing a discreet and effective means of summoning help in the face of danger, these systems can mean the difference between life and death.

At Jet Hotel Solutions, we are committed to helping businesses, hotels, schools, and healthcare facilities navigate the complex world of security and protect what matters most. By partnering with us to implement a state-of-the-art duress alarm code system, you can rest assured that you have taken a proactive step toward ensuring the safety and well-being of your staff, customers, and loved ones.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Jet Hotel Solutions (www.jethotelsolutions.com) today to learn more about how we can help you implement a comprehensive security plan that includes a reliable, user-friendly duress alarm code system. With our expertise and support, you can face the future with confidence, knowing that you are prepared for whatever challenges may come your way.

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