Scan to Tip

Scan to Tip: Revolutionizing the Hotel Tipping Experience

As a seasoned professional in the hospitality industry, I’ve witnessed a significant shift in the way guests prefer to pay for services, including tipping. With the rise of digital payments and the decline of cash transactions, hotels are faced with the challenge of adapting to these changing preferences. Enter Scan to Tip technology—a game-changer that offers a convenient, secure, and efficient solution for both guests and hotel staff.

What is Scan to Tip?

Scan to Tip is a cashless tipping system that allows guests to easily tip hotel employees using their smartphones. By scanning a QR code strategically placed in hotel rooms, at valet stands, or on employee badges, guests are directed to a secure tipping page. From there, they can select a preset tip amount or enter a custom amount, completing the transaction using their preferred digital payment method, such as Apple Pay or Google Pay.

The best part? No app downloads are required, making the process seamless and user-friendly.

Benefits for Hotels and Employees

Implementing a Scan to Tip solution offers a multitude of benefits for hotels and their staff:

  • Increased Earning Potential With the decline of cash tips, many hotel employees, particularly housekeepers and valets, often miss out on well-deserved gratuities. Scan to Tip provides guests with a convenient way to show their appreciation, leading to higher tips and boosted employee morale. Happy employees, in turn, provide better service, creating a positive cycle of guest satisfaction.
  • Streamlined Operations Scan to Tip technology streamlines hotel operations by automating the tip distribution process. Instead of manually collecting, counting, and disbursing cash tips, the digital solution handles everything automatically. This saves valuable time and reduces the risk of errors, allowing staff to focus on delivering exceptional guest experiences.
  • Valuable Insights Scan to Tip platforms provide hotels with a wealth of data on tipping trends, guest satisfaction, and employee performance. This information is invaluable for making data-driven decisions to improve the overall hotel experience, identify areas of excellence, and address potential issues proactively.

Enhanced Guest Experience

From a guest’s perspective, Scan to Tip offers unparalleled convenience and flexibility. No longer do travelers need to worry about carrying cash specifically for tips or feel guilty about not having the right denominations on hand. The tipping process is quick, familiar, and mirrors the contactless payments guests are accustomed to in their daily lives. This added convenience contributes to a more relaxed and enjoyable hotel stay.

Choosing the Right Scan to Tip Provider

Scan to Tip methodWhen selecting a Scan to Tip solution, hotels should consider several key factors:

  • Ease of Use The system should be intuitive and user-friendly for both guests and staff, requiring minimal steps and offering a seamless experience.
  • Integration Seamless integration with existing hotel systems, such as point-of-sale (POS) or property management systems (PMS), is crucial for a smooth transition and efficient operations.
  • Security With digital tipping involving sensitive financial information, security is paramount. Choose a provider that prioritizes data protection, employs industry-standard encryption, and complies with relevant payment regulations.
  • Customer Support Exceptional customer support is essential for successful implementation and ongoing success. Look for a provider that offers dedicated support, comprehensive training resources, and responsive assistance whenever needed.

Vendor Spotlight: Unifocus Gratitude

One notable Scan to Tip solution is Unifocus Gratitude, a fully integrated digital tipping platform designed specifically for the hospitality industry. Key features include:

  • Customizable QR codes for placement throughout the hotel
  • Integration with popular digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay
  • Automatic tip distribution to the right employees within Unifocus’s workforce management system
  • Instant pay capabilities for faster access to earned tips
  • White-label design for a cohesive and trustworthy guest experience
  • Integration with Unifocus’s survey system for real-time feedback and continuous improvement


Scan to Tip technology is revolutionizing the hotel tipping experience. By offering a convenient, secure, and efficient solution, hotels can boost employee earnings, streamline operations, and enhance guest satisfaction. As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, embracing cashless tipping is not just a trend, but a necessity for success.

If you’re ready to explore the benefits of Scan to Tip for your hotel, Jet Hotel Solutions is here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the selection process and ensure a seamless implementation that maximizes the potential of digital tipping. Visit to learn more and take the first step towards revolutionizing your hotel’s tipping experience.

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